
IG: @butterfly_in_wonderland

Studio Owner, Studio Photographer, Social Media/Marketing Manager

Instructor: Pole Level 1-3, Party Instructor

Hi Babe! I’m Lindsey and the one responsible for all this Wonderland madness!

I first started pole in Fredericksburg, Virginia in 2020 when I needed a break in the evenings for just myself. I was relatively new to fitness and working out after losing 100 pounds but found most workouts were just not fun and felt like work. I was hunting for something I would want to do on my worst days and I stumbled upon a 6 week beginner pole fitness series and my whole life shifted forever. I fell head over heels in love with the bravery, empowerment, freedom and creativity pole required of me and I knew I never wanted live without it ever again.

In 2021 my family and I relocated to Richland and when I discovered there wasn't a permanent pole studio with poles reaching beyond 9’ I went to work to build one for my sanity and so many others. I found women in pop up pole classes around town and some found me. Together we created Wonderland for ourselves, for you and for everyone in our community. Our goal is to share pole, aerial arts and other forms of alternative fitness and dance in a fun, safe and empowering space that is free of judgement, shame and toxic fitness/body standards.

I love sharing pole with others because it’s such a unique sport that allows us to push past what we think is possible to embrace the possibility that we can do more. I adore that I’m in my 40s doing things I couldn't do at 10 years old and making it look easy. Knowing all it took was me being vulnerable enough to embrace starting something new and being terrible at it until I wasn’t anymore. Practice not perfection!

I live for the moments when someone climbs the pole for the first time, gets that move they’ve been working on or does something even when it scares them. I live for the smiles, the eyes lighting up and the intense joy each student experiences when they discover they can do it too!

Wonderland is the creation of so many and thrives because of those who choose to dance through the madness with us like no one is watching. I truly can’t express my gratitude to all the staff and students for everything everyone has done to make this wonderful adventure possible. Most days I still have to pinch myself to remind myself this is dream come true is job!

My sincere hope is for YOU to unleash your inner badass within Wonderland, join our madness & that I have the privilege of cheering you on as you do! Wonderland was built for YOU and I hope you find yourself in Wonderland and join our madness!

I hope you dance.
