
IG: @aerial_gwenny

Aerial Instructor Training + Support Manager

Instructor: Aerial Silks, Aerial Hammock, Lyra aka Aerial Hoop, Silk, Aerial Straps, Silk, Party Instructor

Hi I’m Briana

I’ve always dreamed of running or joining a circus, and when wonderland opened the circus came to me!

I am an aerialist with over 10 years experience. I specialize in aerial silks and aerial hammock. I recently had to take a year long break from aerial when I got pregnant with my daughter, and I am now finding regaining my core strength and getting back to doing what I love. I underestimated the toll and demands being a new mom would place on my body and my life. But I embrace the journey, and welcome other moms who can relate to and expand on my own experience.

I love teaching and watching people learn this sport. I am always looking for friends and fellow aerialists who are as passionate about the sport as I am. Aerial constantly drives you to do things you thought were impossible, and I find that to be extremely motivating.

I am a bubbly personality who brings a lot of energy to aerial and life in general. I do have what may be described as a dark sense of humor, and I look forward to building the outstanding sense of community that wonderland is striving to create. I can’t wait to meet you all and get to work creating physical art and reaching our fitness goals together!